Friday, October 22, 2010

When my pocket kosong....

Yup closed my order...but i still take this order...hahah why? heheh lepas raya lorr.. my pocket already empty...only got kertas tissue..eheheh ...60 pcs cute ladybird pencil topper cum fridge magnet already arrived to her new owner...Aida Adha... thanks make my poket penuh balik...can bernafas for another weekkk!!!

I noticed all of my bug not same sizelah!!! some gemuk some kudut like me...hahah...mmm tekanan terhadap tarikan-tarikan bennag melalui jari-jari manis ku ini menyebabkan berlakunya ketidakseimbangan BMI terhadap kumbang2 ituww... :P...

it handmade!!! tak salah kot kalau tak perfect.... ceh!! (ayat cover)

 Taraaaa....this is what Aida want!!! cute rite.... yarlohhhh....
 psstttt i keep one...for myself.... 

 Ready to go...bye...byeeee

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  1. Mangnet kosong nak dapat kat mana ya plesa help or sms me 0124997564 zaki.tq

  2. Assalam zaki, i beli dekat pu3craft.
    you may refer below link:ada byk list supplier, mostly all of them ada jual
